Trouble in Cochise Stronghold (Will Travel for Trouble Series Book 8) - Minnie Crockwell

I signed up for a free trial of Kindle Unlimited and found this, the latest book in a novella series I enjoy.  Woo hoo!


After taking early retirement, Minnie is traveling around the US in her RV accompanied by her ghost companion Ben, who was a member of the Lewis & Clark party who died while exploring Washington state.  Minnie and Ben have a slightly creepy flirtation going.


In this, the 8th installment, Minnie is in Arizona and sets out to explore the Cochise Stronghold, a mountain encampment that Cochise and his men fought off the army for several years.  While on a hike, she discovers a dead body in a spring (well, more like a well run from a spring) and sets out to investigate. 


Just as with all all the other books in the series, this book is just shy of 100 pages and I'm always amazed at how well she can weave such great plots around so many characters and yet I've never felt that anything was left out or that it was confusing to keep track of so many characters.  Truly, the author is a master at writing a short story and leaving you feeling like you just read a full length novel.


I really recommend this whole series as a quick, light read that offers a little bit of American history, a little bit of mystery and, ok, a weensy bit of creepy.  But always a great read.